
I`m Jefri Ruiz

Web Developer & Salesforce Consultant

¿Hablas español?


responsive Design

Allows your website to deliver the best experience to users, no matter the device

Web Design

From simple landing pages to complex web apps at a fair price


Choose your web identity, and let the world to know you

Clean Code

Programming applying the best development practices and technologies


You don't where to start? I'll help you out!

It support

Quality technical support

Latest works

All Web Application Design Mobile App E Cormmerce
landing Watch project

Preseguro's Landing page

Project Brief:

This site is part of profesional practices, which main purpose is diffusion and digital marketing and it`s primarily aimed to the population that want to get inssurance coverage in chiapas.

Project Info

  • Date - 2021
  • Client - Preseguro SC
  • Tools - Reactjs, Formsjs, Google and youtube Api's, Twacto chat, Git and more
  • Web - Visit
portfolio Watch project

Cafeso landing page

Project Brief:

This is a project made using Reactjs and some other features like react-router, it also has some images and videos from pexels and unsplash for free use. The icons were provided thanks to fontawesome and the logos belong to me.

Project Info

  • Date - 2021
  • Client - School project
  • Tools - Reactjs, Inskcape
  • Web - www.cafeso.cf
portfolio Watch project

Guia Verde

Project Brief:

This site is part of a school project, whose main purpose is diffusion and environmental awareness and it`s primarily aimed to the population of the soconusco region in chiapas.

Project Info

  • Date - 2020
  • Client - School project
  • Tools - html, css, Javascript
  • Web - www.guiaverde.ga
Administration System Watch project

Administration System

Project Brief:

Cafeso's Administration System, an enterpreneur project

Project Info

  • Date - 2021
  • Client - Cafeso
  • Tools - Reactjs, Nodejs, PostgreSQL, ExpressJs, SASS, React-Boostrap, Postman
Fit Watch project

Fitness club

Project Brief:

Web practice

Project Info

  • Date - 2020
  • Tools - html, css, Javascript, Figma, GSAP
store Watch project

Tec store

Project Brief:

This is an primarily a pure design project than become a real web application

Project Info

  • Date - 2020
  • Client - Confidential
  • Tools - html, css, Javascript, React, Framer Motion
portfolio Watch project

Portfolio UI design

Project Brief:

This is a demo of the similarity between my mockup and and the real project which as you can see both look pretty good.

Project Info

About me


Hello! My name is Jefri and I am a web developer established in Mexico
I`m two years experience developing applications for the internet, I build from landing pages to fullstack applications through multiple Tools starting from prototype design to layout with specialized frameworks and current technologies, everything depends on the features of the project and the Client.

Feel free to let me a menssage at the contact form! Regards

skills experience education
Front-End development
  • Javascript
  • React js
  • Next js
  • GSAP(Web animation)
  • Wordpress
UI/UX Design
  • Mockups
  • UX/Wireframing
  • Figma
  • AdobeXD
  • Inkscape
  • Photoshop
  • Nodejs
  • Git/Github
  • PowerBI
  • MongoDB
  • Bilingual Spanish/English
July, 2021 - December, 2021

Web developer

Preseguro SC, Tapachula, Mexico

I built a landing page that allows fill a contact form, a live chat, and includes the company's services and description as first project then I got a second project to build a small Policy Administration System, both were successfully accompished

March, 2020 - Current

Front-End developer

Freelancer, Remote

I do work for multiple clients that require attention to details, personalized experiences and Project`s deliveries in a period of no more than one or two month.

2017 - Current

Degree in computer science

Universidad autonoma de Chiapas, facultad de negocios campus IV, Tapachula, Mexico


Reactjs Bootcamp

Hooks, Redux, Context API, MERN,Hooks, JWT, version, CRUD, auth, Unit Test, logs, multiple routers and Deployment


UX Google Diploma

Content design and advance user experience course

What people says

It is an excellent option for your web because the more people know your brand, the more clients you`ll get and therefore it will be present on everyone's devices a few clicks away

testimonial Hugo R.

Pretty good at building faster websites

testimonial Madison D.

Get in touch


After-sales service*




Mexico and remote

portafolio personal

Category - Aplicación web

Project Brief:

Este es un resumen sencillo de algunos proyectos que he realizado hasta la Date, en este caso he puesto un portafolio de ejemplo el cual consta de Info practica para los Clients y/o empleador interesado en los servicios


  • Date - 2020
  • Client - Confidential
  • Tools - html, css, Javascript
  • Web - www.improvisr.com
Project Details
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Theme Color